In February 2023, the Russian Federation and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar signed an Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy. The agreement is an important milestone in the development of nuclear cooperation between Russia and Myanmar. The parties agreed to work together to implement the project of a low-power nuclear power plant (ASMM) on the territory of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
The signing of the intergovernmental agreement took place as a part of the Opening Ceremony of the Information Center for Nuclear Technologies (ICAT), a joint project of Rosatom State Corporation and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Myanmar. The Information Center will give people the access to knowledge about the principles of the nuclear industry, the operation of nuclear power plants, and will provide information about the use of the atom in non-energy areas. Among other things, ICAT will contribute to the development of interest among young people in sciences and will foster human resources development to the new level for the sake of Myanmar nuclear industry. The Information Center in Yangon became the twenty-fifth ICAT of Rosatom and the sixth one outside Russia.
Russia continues its foreign policy and economic international cooperation, strengthening and developing ties with interested countries that are ready for constructive and productive dialogue. Despite external restrictions, the domestic economy is increasing its export potential, supplies of goods, services and raw materials around the world. Rosatom and its enterprises are actively involved in this work.