The World Youth Festival is held to promote international youth cooperation and is attended by 20,000 young leaders in education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering and charity, sports, business, and media, including 10,000 foreign participants. For the first time, teenagers can participate in the festival through the track of the all-Russian movement of children and youth “Movement of the First”.
The Consortium of Supporting Higher Education Institutions of Rosatom State Corporation is a community of higher education institutions established to coordinate activities in the interests of the nuclear industry in the sphere of higher, postgraduate, and additional professional education. Members of the consortium include N. I. Lobachevsky National Research Lobachevsky State University, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, and others.
Obninsk Tech is an international research and education centre for nuclear and related technologies, implemented in Obninsk to meet the growing demand of partner countries for qualified personnel. The centre unites the efforts of Rosatom’s leading core universities and research organisations, enabling the training of personnel to work at NPPs of Russian design in Russia and abroad, as well as conducting large-scale scientific activities. By 2030, Obninsk Tech plans to host 10,000 Russian and foreign students studying nuclear and related specialties. Rosatom, along with its supporting universities, aims to occupy at least 20% of the global market for nuclear physics education.
Russia is actively expanding cooperation with friendly nations, implementing large joint energy projects, in which Rosatom and its divisions play an active role.