Obninsk is the first science city in our country and a large scientific and technical cluster. The world’s first nuclear power plant, launched on June 26, 1954, the Institute of Physics and Energy named after A.I. Leipunsky, the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) and a number of other landmark research centers are all located there. The city is also home to the main campus of the Rosatom Technical Academy, a modern multidisciplinary training center for personnel in the nuclear industry.
The world’s first nuclear power plant (Obninsk NPP) gave rise to the era of peaceful use of atomic energy. The station’s reactor operated efficiently and safely for 48 years. On April 29, 2002, the station’s reactor was shut down and work began to decommission it. In September 2002, the last fuel assembly was unloaded from the reactor. Since 2009, an industry memorial complex has been operating on the premises of the First NPP, which is annually visited by more than 4 thousand people (schoolchildren, students, specialists from different countries, as well as ordinary people interested in nuclear energy).
Russia is actively developing cooperation with friendly states. Despite external restrictions, the domestic economy is increasing its export potential, supplying goods, services and raw materials around the world. The implementation of large foreign energy projects continues. Rosatom and its divisions take an active part in this work.