التعليم النووي في روسيا
2022-12-09 16:00

Flushing of systems with the open reactor has commenced at Rooppur NPP Unit 1

Flushing of systems with the open reactor has commenced at Unit 1 of Rooppur NPP in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (general designer and general contractor — ROSATOM Engineering Division).

The this stage, the chemically demineralized water is supplied to the reactor vessel through the connection pipeline and primary circuit pipelines, the water removes impurities left after the installation of the equipment and the pipelines.

"Flushing of active and passive safety systems with the open reactor is one of the most important pre-commissioning operations. This is the first of a whole series of inspections of equipment and process systems, it is the result of the long-term work of assemblers, adjusters and other specialists involved in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Bangladesh", said Alexey Deriy, Vice President of ASE JSC, Director of Rooppur NPP Construction Project .

The flushing allows us to make sure that everything has been installed correctly and is ready for operation. Besides, it checks the operability of pump units of the process safety systems and normal operation systems.

For reference:
ROSATOM Engineering Division unites the leading companies of the nuclear industry, namely: Atomstroyexport JSC (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, branches in Russia and abroad), Joint Design Institute — Atomenergoproekt JSC (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg branches — design institutes, branches in Russia and abroad, R&D branches) and subsidiary construction organizations. The Engineering Division ranks first in the world by the order portfolio and the number of NPPs constructed simultaneously across the world. About 80% of the Division’s revenues originate from foreign projects. The Engineering Division implements construction projects for high-power NPPs in Russia and across the world, renders a full range of EPC, EP, EPC (M) services including project management and design activities, and develops Multi-D technologies for the management of complex engineering facilities. The Division relies on the achievements of the Russian nuclear industry and innovative state-of-the-art technologies.