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TPU scientists have created a VR simulator for training specialists in the field of contact radiation therapy

Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University have developed a VR simulator for brachytherapy. It is a software that simulates the procedure of high-dose-rate contact radiotherapy with the use of various applicators. The simulator is intended for training of specialists working in the field of radiotherapy. The project is implemented with the support of the Priority-2030 program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Contact radiation therapy or brachytherapy is one of the most effective treatments for malignant tumors. The procedure involves implantation of a radiation source into or near the affected area (tumor), which kills cancer cells and reduces the size of the tumor. Today, contact radiation therapy with high dose rate is widely used as a modern method of intrathecal and intracavitary treatment with the help of automatic loading and extraction of radiation sources.

Virtual reality (VR) technologies create an environment where the user is immersed with the help of special sensory devices. The use of VR headsets allows to reproduce the virtual environment in sufficient detail.

Specialists of the Research Technological Reference Center for Ionizing Radiation together with colleagues from the School of Earth Science and Engineering and School of Computer Science and Robotics have developed the first Russian VR simulator "BrachyHDR" to teach the procedure of brachytherapy on a locally-produced device used in Russian medical centers. The product can be used by specialists in the field of radiation therapy - doctors, nurses, medical physicists, technicians and engineers, as well as students trained in these specialties.

The simulator provides a visual representation of a high dose rate contact radiotherapy procedure and is an effective tool for learning and deep understanding of this complex process. With its help, the user can move around the treatment room at the moment of treatment and observe the whole process, and select procedures from the proposed list of demonstrations.

At present, the simulator reproduces more than 12 procedures using a mobile high-dose-rate contact radiotherapy device. It allows us to solve such tasks as learning the basic necessary equipment of the treatment room and the room for radiotherapy device remote control, as well as learning the basic principles of brachytherapy device operation. In addition, the simulator provides demonstration of the procedure with the use of applicators for intracavitary, intrathecal, and intraluminal irradiation for various tumor localizations,

- Evgenia Sukhikh, Acting Director of the Research Technological Reference Center for Ionizing Radiation in Radiology, Radiation Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine, commented.

The software can be used for VR autonomous headsets. The developers plan to clinically detail the processes of intracavitary and intrathecal irradiation from the moment of preparation for the procedure to direct irradiation, as well as to add the functionality of loading and demonstrating dosimetric irradiation plans of real patients who will undergo this type of treatment. These capabilities will allow medical professionals to verify the treatment plan, practice more accurately and improve their professional skills, which in turn will increase the efficiency of medical care.