The scientific and educational project “Icebreaker of Knowledge” was organized by the network of Nuclear Energy Information Centers with the support of Rosatom. Its mission is to popularize natural sciences and nuclear technologies, find and support talented and gifted children, develop their abilities and provide them with career guidance. Schoolchildren from across Russia are taking part in the project; this year, about 15 thousand people applied for the participation. Since the start of the project, more than 300 gifted schoolchildren – winners of numerous competitions and projects – from various regions of Russia have become participants in Arctic expeditions on the nuclear icebreaker 50 Let Pobedy.
Large Russian companies continue to expand the range of solutions for attracting personnel and revealing the potential of promising employees. Rosatom and its companies implement early career guidance programs, participate in the creation of basic departments at Russian universities, the implementation of scholarship support programs, large educational projects, the organization of practical training and internships for students with their further employment.