ROSATOM scholarship opportunity for CIS, Tanzanian, and Namibian Master’s students in 2024/2025 academic year
Starting September 1, 2024, you have the chance to apply for the "Partner-Countries of the State Corporation 'Rosatom'" Scholarship Program! This incredible opportunity is open to master’s students from the CIS countries, Tanzania, and Namibia.
Scholarship Details: Monthly stipend: 20,000 rubles (~$200) throughout your master’s program.
Eligibility Conditions:
You are a citizen of the CIS countries, Tanzania, or Namibia
You are a master's student at one of the flagship universities of the Rosatom State Corporation
You study full-time in nuclear and related fields
You were enrolled under the Government of the Russian Federation quotas.
Application Period: September 1 – October 31, 2024