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Russian Nuclear Education Ambassadors took part in the International Forum "Russian Energy Week"

On 26-28 September, the International Forum "Russian Energy Week" was held at the Manezh Exhibition Centre and Gostiny Dvor in Moscow. It was attended by representatives of governments of various countries, heads of Russian and foreign energy companies and organisations, scientists and experts. Russian Nuclear Education Ambassadors also took part in the Forum.

Foreign students spoke at two thematic sessions, one of which was devoted to the development of nuclear energy technologies in the future. The discussion covered a wide range of issues, including what skills students should have when they leave university, what employers expect from graduates, and the role of young people in promoting nuclear energy. Participants also actively shared their experiences and projects for the development of the industry.

For example, the Russian Nuclear Education Ambassadors Florent Gabin Biloa Essouma, a student of PFUR, and Teodora Solarevic, a student of MEPhI, told about the project "Russian Nuclear Education Ambassadors", what they are doing within the framework of the project and what its goal is.
According to them, everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the future of nuclear energy and promote modern technologies in their countries.

"The future of nuclear energy is young people and interaction with young talent. That is why we are trying to popularise the nuclear industry among young people and are ready to share our experience of studying at Rosatom's core universities," said Teodora Solarevic.

The need for talented students and young scientists was outlined by Daria Semenova, Head of the Centre for Educational Programmes of JSC ASE of Rosatom State Corporation:
"There is no doubt that we need students with technical and scientific backgrounds. At the same time, of course, we look at their academic performance and their loyalty to the nuclear industry, their willingness to develop and grow with us. The Engineering Department is always looking for young specialists for practice and work".

Alexander Sveshnikov, Chairman of the Industry Youth Council of Rosatom State Corporation, praised the work of the student community, which takes part in major events such as Russian Energy Week. He noted that it is now important to develop students in different ways, pointing to the need to develop both hard and soft skills. According to Alexander Alexandrovich, there are many interesting tasks and goals in the industry that anyone can achieve.

During the session 'BRICS YOUTH ENERGY OUTLOOK: PRESENTATION OF THE 2024 EDITION', the lead expert of the Nuclear Energy and Technology Expert Group, MEPhI PhD student, Russian Nuclear Education Ambassador Soumojit Mukherjee presented the work of the Expert Group for the annual BRICS Youth Energy Outlook. He spoke about the current situation and trends, and presented different scenarios for the development of nuclear energy and technology in the BRICS+ countries.
Every year, foreign students of Russian universities from 28 countries participate in industry and international events and report on their activities in social networks and mass media. Currently, their activities are supervised by the Nuclear Education Transfer Project Office of the Rosatom Technical Academy.

The International Forum "Russian Energy Week" is one of the most notable events in the energy sector. The forum has been held since 2017. The purpose of the forum is to demonstrate the prospects of the Russian fuel and energy complex, and to realise the potential of international cooperation in the energy sector. The event is attended by the heads of the largest companies in the energy sector. It is the main platform for discussing the main challenges facing the energy sector of the economy and the current problems of development of gas, oil, coal, petrochemical, electric, hydroelectric, nuclear energy, energy saving and energy efficiency.
Photo: © Rosatom Technical Academy