التعليم النووي في روسيا
2022-10-19 13:00

ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev Visits Bangladesh, Takes Part in Rooppur NPP Unit 2 Reactor Vessel Installation Ceremony

On October 19, 2022, ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev arrived in Bangladesh with a working visit scheduled for the completion of installation of a reactor vessel at Rooppur NPP Unit 2.

ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev and Bangladesh Prime Minister H.E. Sheikh Hasina Wazed together have launched the final stage of the installation of the reactor vessel at the construction site in Ishwardi district. During the installation, the reactor was moved via the transportation lock inside the reactor containment. Then the 334-ton structure was installed into design position with a polar crane.

"A year ago, we have witnessed the installation reactor vessel at Unit 1 and today, the same operation has been completed at the second reactor. We see the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Bangladesh proceeding rapidly, despite the obstacles caused by the pandemic. I applaud well-coordinated work performed by the entire team of builders. I express my sincere gratitude to the authorities of the Republic of Bangladesh for their unfailing support of the project. In our joint daily effort, we bring closer the launch of the nuclear power plant, which the people of Bangladesh have been looking forward to," said the ROSATOM Director General.

In turn, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed thanked the Russian government and the people of Russia for the successful cooperation in the implementation of the Rooppur NPP project.

"The plant’s two units based on generation III+ VVER reactors will generate a total of 2,400 MW of electricity, 1,200 MW from each unit, which will play a significant role in meeting the ever-growing electricity demand of our country. Acquiring knowledge in the most modern technology like nuclear will facilitate special skills and competencies among the new generations. Since it does not emit any CO2, nuclear energy is environmentally friendly and will help combat the adverse effects of climate change," the prime minister said.

After the successful completion of the reactor vessel installation, Alexey Likhachev took part in the ceremony dedicated to opening of the Training Center, which is designed for training of the NPP operating personnel and has no rival in its technological infrastructure. The people of Bangladesh will undergo training in specialized classes and production shops with the most modern equipment. Besides, the Russian party has developed all the necessary teaching & learning programs that will enable the Bangladeshi party to provide training for its personnel independently.

For reference:

The installation of Unit 2 WWER-1200 reactor vessel into the design position was performed in several stages. At first, Liebherr-11 350 heavy caterpillar crane raised the reactor vessel to the transportation portal of the power unit. Then the reactor vessel was moved to the central hall of the reactor building on a special transportation trolley. Further, the polar crane put the reactor vessel into the vertical position and installed it on the support ring in the reactor pit. Prior to the installation, the WWER-1200 reactor vessel manufactured by AEM-Technology (the weight of the reactor vessel is 333.6 tons, its length is 11.18 meters, its diameter is 4.57 meters) underwent the incoming inspection in accordance with all the regulatory requirements.

Rooppur NPP equipped with two WWER-1200 reactors of the total 2400 MW capacity is being constructed under the Russian design 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with General Contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with WWER-1200 reactors that had been successfully implemented at two units of Novovoronezh NPP was selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. This is an evolutionary Generation III+ design which fully complies with all the international safety requirements.